3 Tips for Future D1 Athletes

 The Things you need to know!

College itself is always a whole new adventure for students, but if you throw in being a D1 athlete, it gets all the more busy! If you are in high school and considering a future in sports, I highly suggest it, but here are some tips on how to handle it...

1. Learn how to time manage! Life moves fast, and when you are constantly juggling a sport, school, and friends, it is common for it to move too fast. Time management is a crucial skill to all, but especially for athletes. Determining a time for homework that works around practice times and games is a much greater thing than one might think! Not to mention that college is known for being some of the greatest years of your life, this is still possible for committed athletes but it makes it much more difficult to fit in going out with friends on crazy adventures! Just manage your time wisely and it is possible!

2. Take the pressure off yourself when you feel yourself getting stressed. You are only human and you are not perfect. Though it will be a big part of who you are, your sport is just a sport. Do not let bad games and anger from coaches dictate how your week goes and how you treat those around you according to your mood. This time will offer some of your first experiences with holding true responsibilities, so it is important to also find the ways to calm yourself down and step away from the stress.

3. Appreciate the good. When one element of life is hard, another may be great! In times like these separate the good from the bad and focus on the good. Often this can be a bad week in your sport where you are simply not doing as well as expected, but your life outside of practice is going just fine! Bring the happiness from other things in life into practice with you and don't let anything take that away. 



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